Have your Social Marketing Questions answered by the Professor. Tips, articles, and resources.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Inspiration will give you the edge:
Hello My friends Professor Cue Ball Clicks is finally back and blogging again. I have chosen this topic with great care as it reflects what has happened to me and what I'm going to do next. Perhaps it will help you my readers as well.
The Professor was involved with a certain program that will remain nameless but all who know me know the program. It was an Epic Fail due to a program owner who just didn't care about his members. It depressed the hell out of me and
I slowed down my other marketing efforts as I tried to re motivate myself.
Of course when it rains it pours and my personal life went south in a hurry
causing me to leave the net for a period of time in order to deal with things. I tried to come back several times but lacked the motivation needed to recover only to leave the net again.
I finally got the personal crap out of the way and returned full time to marketing
on the net but still something was wrong. I was lacking inspiration.
So onward I went surfing and looking for what I needed to finally get moving again.
On August 31, 2011 while tending to my Surf team at Pirate Hits I found my missing piece. The single thing I was lacking to fully come back and make the dreams I have come true. We all know that the Professor has the drive, and the ambition, the Professor was lacking the inspiration to truly take the rains of control and run with it. I found Inspiration in a wonderful person who took the time to try to put a smile on my face and ease my struggle.
So before going on with another word I'd just like to say it here in this public forum Ann Hanson (Evil Princess) I Love You And Always Will. Thank You for coming into my life!
Now in the coming posts we will resume with a review of a couple of things I have
recently gotten involved in. Always remember you never know where or when inspiration
will show it's lovely head.
Professor Cue Ball Clicks.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Stop! Wait! Don't Buy That Big Mac Meal!
Stop! Wait! Don't Buy That Big Mac Meal!
So you are an Internet Marketer and you belong to several programs as a free member. Great!
What's that you say?
Your not making but a few cents if anything!
You're a little ticked off that your not making what you think you should be!
Do You Understand The Reasons Why This Is Happening?
The Free model doesn't work. You get nothing in life for free and in business you'll get even less! I know you see the ads all the time: JOIN FREE AND MAKE MONEY ON AUTO PILOT! You have joined many of them haven't you?
You make your 30cents commissions and call it a day when you cannot reach the goals you want. The program sucks right!
It's not the program tho you will never obtain the success you want until you make an operating budget and spend some money.
OMG The Dirty Words ( SPEND SOME MONEY).
Now I used the Big Mac Meal as an example for you. Most Upgrades cost you on average about $7 to $10.00 per month! People that's giving up one stinking trip to the McDonald's per month. That won't kill you will it? It means the difference in making 30 cents to making a couple of dollars. When you upgrade in a program you are making an investment in yourself and your business. When you talk to your down lines you can now tell them the same thing and once they start making money you will to.
A Leader Leads by example. You cannot ask someone to do something that you yourself are not willing to do. In other words my friends if all your down line members are free you won't make a dime and if you are not upgraded you cannot expect them to because they are watching you!
You don't have to go crazy and upgrade everywhere.
You need to be smart and look at the programs you belong to.
You will never go wrong upgrading in tools, everyone needs them.
Splash Page Maker, Trackers, Auto Responders ect.
If you promote them as wee and get your referrals to upgrade you will make money and so will they. Now you wind up with more money to invest in your programs and all from not buying one Big Mac meal a month.
What do you think about That!
So you are an Internet Marketer and you belong to several programs as a free member. Great!
What's that you say?
Your not making but a few cents if anything!
You're a little ticked off that your not making what you think you should be!
Do You Understand The Reasons Why This Is Happening?
The Free model doesn't work. You get nothing in life for free and in business you'll get even less! I know you see the ads all the time: JOIN FREE AND MAKE MONEY ON AUTO PILOT! You have joined many of them haven't you?
You make your 30cents commissions and call it a day when you cannot reach the goals you want. The program sucks right!
It's not the program tho you will never obtain the success you want until you make an operating budget and spend some money.
OMG The Dirty Words ( SPEND SOME MONEY).
Now I used the Big Mac Meal as an example for you. Most Upgrades cost you on average about $7 to $10.00 per month! People that's giving up one stinking trip to the McDonald's per month. That won't kill you will it? It means the difference in making 30 cents to making a couple of dollars. When you upgrade in a program you are making an investment in yourself and your business. When you talk to your down lines you can now tell them the same thing and once they start making money you will to.
A Leader Leads by example. You cannot ask someone to do something that you yourself are not willing to do. In other words my friends if all your down line members are free you won't make a dime and if you are not upgraded you cannot expect them to because they are watching you!
You don't have to go crazy and upgrade everywhere.
You need to be smart and look at the programs you belong to.
You will never go wrong upgrading in tools, everyone needs them.
Splash Page Maker, Trackers, Auto Responders ect.
If you promote them as wee and get your referrals to upgrade you will make money and so will they. Now you wind up with more money to invest in your programs and all from not buying one Big Mac meal a month.
What do you think about That!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Branding and Personal Branding Is There A Difference?
Well let's start off with the basics. What is branding?
Here is what wikipedia has to say: The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or all items of that seller. If used for the firm as a whole, the preferred term is trade name.
Now you might want to know what is personal branding?
Once again here's what Wikipedia has to say: Personal branding is, for some people, a description of the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands.
There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet lately of why it has become so popular to Personally Brand pages that are being shown or advertised on Traffic Exchanges.
Know rap your head around this, user name job123, is advertising a long drawn out page that happens to be very popular. OK you have seen this page half a thousand times now and have no way to distinguish between job123's page or anyone Else's. Reflect upon the results of the advertising,
job123=0 Program owner =100%. Here's the next fact, you
have now either read the page or were to bored by the long drawn out page to actually look at it, but somehow you have decided you are going to join. So you either type in the site address or click the link the next time you see the page.
Final results are the program owner just got another sign up and poor job123 did all the work with nothing to show!
Let's look at the same situation but this time use Personal Branding and Social Marketing.
Job123 has made a splash page for the same opportunity, He has made it so that it stands out and stops you from clicking away to the next page and it has interested you to find out more. Now Job123 has also added his real picture and Name! Joe is in a traffic exchange and you have recognised him from his picture and you ask him about that page and the opportunity, Why you were already interested in it but the difference is you know who Joe is! Joe has now accomplished generating a referral for the opp, but more importantly he has associated himself to the promotion....
So what we have is setting himself out as being different from everyone else promoting that opportunity. This is the power behind Personal Branding and Social Marketing.
Here is what wikipedia has to say: The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or all items of that seller. If used for the firm as a whole, the preferred term is trade name.
Now you might want to know what is personal branding?
Once again here's what Wikipedia has to say: Personal branding is, for some people, a description of the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands.
There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet lately of why it has become so popular to Personally Brand pages that are being shown or advertised on Traffic Exchanges.
Know rap your head around this, user name job123, is advertising a long drawn out page that happens to be very popular. OK you have seen this page half a thousand times now and have no way to distinguish between job123's page or anyone Else's. Reflect upon the results of the advertising,
job123=0 Program owner =100%. Here's the next fact, you
have now either read the page or were to bored by the long drawn out page to actually look at it, but somehow you have decided you are going to join. So you either type in the site address or click the link the next time you see the page.
Final results are the program owner just got another sign up and poor job123 did all the work with nothing to show!
Let's look at the same situation but this time use Personal Branding and Social Marketing.
Job123 has made a splash page for the same opportunity, He has made it so that it stands out and stops you from clicking away to the next page and it has interested you to find out more. Now Job123 has also added his real picture and Name! Joe is in a traffic exchange and you have recognised him from his picture and you ask him about that page and the opportunity, Why you were already interested in it but the difference is you know who Joe is! Joe has now accomplished generating a referral for the opp, but more importantly he has associated himself to the promotion....
So what we have is setting himself out as being different from everyone else promoting that opportunity. This is the power behind Personal Branding and Social Marketing.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Here We Go Tools That Work!
Everyone I just got to tell you about a traffic tool that you just got to get in on. Yes this is a shamless promotion for one of my favorite traffic exchanges. I have a question for you: Do You Dance? If you don't you should.
Faith Brooks has a real winner here!
The Traffic Dance is fast approaching 10000 members. Just think of the exposure you are going to receive here for your ads. In fact the race is on to see who is going to refer the 10000th member.
The site has everything a social surfer could want. The chat system there has the absolute cooest smiley's and you can choose to whisper to another member privatly or in chat in either the members chat or team chat. OMG did I say team!
The Dance has team surfing as well!
The site features personalized splash pages to not only help you bring in referrals and earn money but to also let everyone know who you are. When your page shows in the rotation so does your picture at the top of the surf bar!
If you surf for prizes than The Traffic dance is diffenatly for you. There are random prize pages that reward you with cash, credits Text ads,or banner ads.... In fact I pay for an extreamly affordable upgrade there each month from the cash I win at the site now talk about paying for it's self!
Traffic Dance even has a special Social Coordinator! You can get mugged by bartendermo the bestest mugger in TE Land LOL. I've been mugged and my coffee has never tasted better than when I'm using My Traffic Dance Mug!
The Professor loves to dance so what are you waiting for come on down and dance! Have fun! Collect some cash and get your sites seen at the The Traffic Dance
Faith Brooks has a real winner here!
The Traffic Dance is fast approaching 10000 members. Just think of the exposure you are going to receive here for your ads. In fact the race is on to see who is going to refer the 10000th member.
The site has everything a social surfer could want. The chat system there has the absolute cooest smiley's and you can choose to whisper to another member privatly or in chat in either the members chat or team chat. OMG did I say team!
The Dance has team surfing as well!
The site features personalized splash pages to not only help you bring in referrals and earn money but to also let everyone know who you are. When your page shows in the rotation so does your picture at the top of the surf bar!
If you surf for prizes than The Traffic dance is diffenatly for you. There are random prize pages that reward you with cash, credits Text ads,or banner ads.... In fact I pay for an extreamly affordable upgrade there each month from the cash I win at the site now talk about paying for it's self!
Traffic Dance even has a special Social Coordinator! You can get mugged by bartendermo the bestest mugger in TE Land LOL. I've been mugged and my coffee has never tasted better than when I'm using My Traffic Dance Mug!
The Professor loves to dance so what are you waiting for come on down and dance! Have fun! Collect some cash and get your sites seen at the The Traffic Dance
Friday, July 8, 2011
What's The Relationship Worth!
A relationship cannot have a dollar amount put on it. Developing a long lasting relationship is probally the most important thing I have done for my on line business.
It's not just about helping people out because even a phoney can do that. It's the way you treat someone after the trust has been established, that's what counts.
It's a hard thing not hiding from bad news. This is something that you will all go through. Especially when you lead a team and those people look and count on you for answers. As a leader it's great to be able to report all the wonderful things, and the congratulations. I love that.
When I was told of problems and looked into it and couldn't find the answer to the problem, I wrestled with it trying to find the answer and then when I couldn't to report that news as well. I worried about the reputation I had built up and what would happen to it.
It occurred to me the only way to handle it was to be up front, honest and make the recommendation that no one really wanted to hear. It was the only way for me to maintain that reputation I worked so hard to build.
I have to tell you that the bad news I reported was taken in and the recommendations were agreed upon and everything as far as the individual relationships with the people involved went on as if nothing had happened.
So there is your lesson from the Professor for today.
DreamHost promotional codes
It's not just about helping people out because even a phoney can do that. It's the way you treat someone after the trust has been established, that's what counts.
It's a hard thing not hiding from bad news. This is something that you will all go through. Especially when you lead a team and those people look and count on you for answers. As a leader it's great to be able to report all the wonderful things, and the congratulations. I love that.
When I was told of problems and looked into it and couldn't find the answer to the problem, I wrestled with it trying to find the answer and then when I couldn't to report that news as well. I worried about the reputation I had built up and what would happen to it.
It occurred to me the only way to handle it was to be up front, honest and make the recommendation that no one really wanted to hear. It was the only way for me to maintain that reputation I worked so hard to build.
I have to tell you that the bad news I reported was taken in and the recommendations were agreed upon and everything as far as the individual relationships with the people involved went on as if nothing had happened.
So there is your lesson from the Professor for today.
DreamHost promotional codes
Monday, June 20, 2011
Social Marketing Meets List Building.
Welcome to another post here at Professor Cue Ball Clicks Says. The absolute most powerful system in Internet Marketing in a log time can't be purchased. Not for any price! It can however to taught or shared.
As I travel the World Wide Web I am amazed at the amount of pure garbage there is. Opportunity after Opportunity filled with pages of Fast Cars, Huge Money, Yachts, Planes, all high gloss photo's of the beautiful perfect people hanging on the beach or wherever, making ton's of money on auto pilot.
We all see this and forget the simple rule if it seems to good to be true guess what it's false.
I man I met on line from the University Of Internet Science Mr Michelangelo Lopez, wrote a book about this concept of leading the Internet Newbie Lambs to slaughter.
It's called " The Art Of Being Stupid On The Internet.
Simply put buying into some program owners Latest Greatest, Unbelievable promise in the Sharp and Sweet Glittery Graphics of a site designed to take your money.
Or a mentor's promise if you read the e-book it'll change your entire life.. BTW when you finish the book and complain it isn't working well they'll just talk you into buying another. Trust me they are not sharing the way they are really achieving their success with you.
This brings me to the point of the title of this post. Social Marketing meets List Building in a Easily Affordable, but NOT FREE, little program called JUST 2 BUCKS A MONTH...
A simple concept: A membership site that builds you a Down Line List of people who will be eager to work with you, to purchase your products and join your programs. How does this happen? You're asking right now. I'll tell you every person who joins this program has access to not only his down line but is entire up line. The incentive for sponsors to help are just enormous. Imagine a program that everyone comes together to help each other to grow an income to whatever level your efforts put in.
(SOCIAL MARKETING) Everyone answering questions for anyone to help us all to succeed!
There are no tire Kickers allowed here, so only action takers need to check it out.
As I travel the World Wide Web I am amazed at the amount of pure garbage there is. Opportunity after Opportunity filled with pages of Fast Cars, Huge Money, Yachts, Planes, all high gloss photo's of the beautiful perfect people hanging on the beach or wherever, making ton's of money on auto pilot.
We all see this and forget the simple rule if it seems to good to be true guess what it's false.
I man I met on line from the University Of Internet Science Mr Michelangelo Lopez, wrote a book about this concept of leading the Internet Newbie Lambs to slaughter.
It's called " The Art Of Being Stupid On The Internet.
Simply put buying into some program owners Latest Greatest, Unbelievable promise in the Sharp and Sweet Glittery Graphics of a site designed to take your money.
Or a mentor's promise if you read the e-book it'll change your entire life.. BTW when you finish the book and complain it isn't working well they'll just talk you into buying another. Trust me they are not sharing the way they are really achieving their success with you.
This brings me to the point of the title of this post. Social Marketing meets List Building in a Easily Affordable, but NOT FREE, little program called JUST 2 BUCKS A MONTH...
A simple concept: A membership site that builds you a Down Line List of people who will be eager to work with you, to purchase your products and join your programs. How does this happen? You're asking right now. I'll tell you every person who joins this program has access to not only his down line but is entire up line. The incentive for sponsors to help are just enormous. Imagine a program that everyone comes together to help each other to grow an income to whatever level your efforts put in.
(SOCIAL MARKETING) Everyone answering questions for anyone to help us all to succeed!
There are no tire Kickers allowed here, so only action takers need to check it out.

Monday, June 6, 2011
You Want To make Money?
There are several things you must be careful of when trying to make money on line.
First: there is no BIG RED EASY BUTTON!
Second: there is no AUTOPILOT!
These are but a few of the LIES that your going to find in On line Marketing. Here's another but this is only a Half Truth or Lie. THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST. I call this a half truth because it is a half truth. You can have a list of thousands and it's not responsive. Why? because these people don't really know you or trust you. Sure you managed to get their E-Mail but have you proven yourself to them?
So many will run off and purchase leads. Let me tell you that PURCHASED LEADS SUCK!! Think about it. With the costs of setting the collection site, offering the bribe for the subscription and not to mention the advertising or the cleaning of these leads (making sure they don't bounce or that it's actually a good address) How do you sell 100000 Hot fresh leads for next to nothing. There is one site in particular that advertises 50000 leads to join. Let me tell you they have been around for years and I still guarantee it can't be done. Besides you don't even know if these people are buyers or tire kickers!Your getting broken down,bouncing no good leads and a large pipe dream.
To make it on line today you must not be STUPID! You must not fall for the hype and glitter of sites and people who tell you all you have to do is buy this program for $47.00 and you'll be rich in 6 weeks. Because when it doesn't happen your going to get pitched the add on for the program which will absolutely not fail for an additional $37.00. GUESS WHAT now your out $87.00 and you have nothing to show for it. I'm not saying that all the programs out there are like this but a great many of them are.
When I look at a program I ignore the glitter and the hype. I look into the program and see what it will take to make it work. You have to realistic and know that the claims on these programs are for a super best case scenario. I tone it down and see if making money is realistic or not.
I have a program now that is really something will it live up to it's hype I don't know, but I will make money with it. It's not FREE but it has a super low cost and I'm guaranteed commissions for 6 months not too bad. If you want to know more about it all you have to do is Ask The Professor lol.
First: there is no BIG RED EASY BUTTON!
Second: there is no AUTOPILOT!
These are but a few of the LIES that your going to find in On line Marketing. Here's another but this is only a Half Truth or Lie. THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST. I call this a half truth because it is a half truth. You can have a list of thousands and it's not responsive. Why? because these people don't really know you or trust you. Sure you managed to get their E-Mail but have you proven yourself to them?
So many will run off and purchase leads. Let me tell you that PURCHASED LEADS SUCK!! Think about it. With the costs of setting the collection site, offering the bribe for the subscription and not to mention the advertising or the cleaning of these leads (making sure they don't bounce or that it's actually a good address) How do you sell 100000 Hot fresh leads for next to nothing. There is one site in particular that advertises 50000 leads to join. Let me tell you they have been around for years and I still guarantee it can't be done. Besides you don't even know if these people are buyers or tire kickers!Your getting broken down,bouncing no good leads and a large pipe dream.
To make it on line today you must not be STUPID! You must not fall for the hype and glitter of sites and people who tell you all you have to do is buy this program for $47.00 and you'll be rich in 6 weeks. Because when it doesn't happen your going to get pitched the add on for the program which will absolutely not fail for an additional $37.00. GUESS WHAT now your out $87.00 and you have nothing to show for it. I'm not saying that all the programs out there are like this but a great many of them are.
When I look at a program I ignore the glitter and the hype. I look into the program and see what it will take to make it work. You have to realistic and know that the claims on these programs are for a super best case scenario. I tone it down and see if making money is realistic or not.
I have a program now that is really something will it live up to it's hype I don't know, but I will make money with it. It's not FREE but it has a super low cost and I'm guaranteed commissions for 6 months not too bad. If you want to know more about it all you have to do is Ask The Professor lol.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
New Traffic Exchanges
Wow there have been many Traffic Exchanges launched recently ans I would be re missed if I didn't tell you all about them. Personally I love New Exchanges especially when the owners take a proactive stand on their membership. I invite you to check out the Traffic Exchanges I have on this blog because they have just this type of owner.
Today's feature is Big Game Hits. Go to the page here on the blog for all the details on the site. Be sure to check out the page here as I have a special Promo Code there for you to Join with!!!
It's definatly on the Professors Approved List.
Today's feature is Big Game Hits. Go to the page here on the blog for all the details on the site. Be sure to check out the page here as I have a special Promo Code there for you to Join with!!!
It's definatly on the Professors Approved List.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Something I don't Understand!
Here is something that I just don't get and maybe you can help me with it.
What on Earth is wrong with people? Why would you spend your money on an opportunity, program, or money making system without believing you could make your money back at the very least.
I DON'T GET IT! It makes no sense to me.
No matter how big or how small the investment
is the idea is to make a profit from it right!
How could or would you pay for something and then just let it sit.
Obviously you thought there was something there. Something in the program caught your eye and
got you to buy in. Then you sit on the side lines and do nothing to recoup you investment.
What do you my readers think?
What on Earth is wrong with people? Why would you spend your money on an opportunity, program, or money making system without believing you could make your money back at the very least.
I DON'T GET IT! It makes no sense to me.
No matter how big or how small the investment
is the idea is to make a profit from it right!
How could or would you pay for something and then just let it sit.
Obviously you thought there was something there. Something in the program caught your eye and
got you to buy in. Then you sit on the side lines and do nothing to recoup you investment.
What do you my readers think?
Monday, May 30, 2011
One Important Component Of Social Marketing.
One Important component of social marketing is a very simple one. Building your relationships with your peers. This leads to an amazing thing. Alliances!
I have formed many such alliance with individuals. In fact the Team concept to marketing has many benefit. Now I'm not going to mention which program I am involved with as I do not want links in every single post. The reasons I am bringing this up is purely the power of many marketing for a common cause.
This plays right into the personal model I'm working on: Success Thru Helping Others. Sharing tools, knowledge, and just plain fun is a powerful combination.
I'd love to know what you think so please go ahead and leave a comment.
I have formed many such alliance with individuals. In fact the Team concept to marketing has many benefit. Now I'm not going to mention which program I am involved with as I do not want links in every single post. The reasons I am bringing this up is purely the power of many marketing for a common cause.
This plays right into the personal model I'm working on: Success Thru Helping Others. Sharing tools, knowledge, and just plain fun is a powerful combination.
I'd love to know what you think so please go ahead and leave a comment.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wow Help Your Budget And Grab A Must Have Tool!
Everybody wants to grab some extra cash for their budget so they surf around and get into surveys and ptc's and there's nothing wrong with that. The Professor does it too!
But we spend time clicking and clicking, Well with this post I'm inviting you to a grab a must have tool. A tool that will take you over the top.
If your using TE's and most of us are, the must have tool is Adkreator .
This is a simple to use Splash and Squeeze Page maker that no one who tries will ever want to be without. It has a super selection of templates that you can use to make your pages with. Man talk about SOLAST!
(Stand Out Like A Sore Thumb)
Install your name and picture on to your page for instant branding and promote away. Even better you can ad video to your squeeze pages and talk directly to people viewing your page.
You don't need to know HTML, as the editor for Adkreator is stupid simple just the way the professor likes it! Since I started using it my income and down lines have really grown and now alot of people have gotten to know Professor Cue Ball Clicks.
Now for the really good stuff, you can join Adkreator for free! That's right you'll be able to make and edit one custom page. I know that once you've made your first page and see the results Adkreator will help you get you'll want to take advantage of the upgrades there so you'll be able to make even more pages. Special note of interest, Upgraded members can share pages via a simple little code!
So I've explained how to get Adkreator let me now tell you how to use it in your budget. Use your Affiliate Link and share it with friends and people your involved with and score commissions. Free members will earn 20% when ever a referral takes and upgrade at Adkreator and Upgraded Members score 35%. Think about that! You can wind up with an ADKREATOR FULLY UPGRADED ACCOUNT and have it paid for and have money for your budget for other tools and upgrades. Talk about a win win situation!
Go ahead try this must have tool out you won't be sorry it's the best thing for marketing on traffic exchanges.

But we spend time clicking and clicking, Well with this post I'm inviting you to a grab a must have tool. A tool that will take you over the top.
If your using TE's and most of us are, the must have tool is Adkreator .
This is a simple to use Splash and Squeeze Page maker that no one who tries will ever want to be without. It has a super selection of templates that you can use to make your pages with. Man talk about SOLAST!
(Stand Out Like A Sore Thumb)
Install your name and picture on to your page for instant branding and promote away. Even better you can ad video to your squeeze pages and talk directly to people viewing your page.
You don't need to know HTML, as the editor for Adkreator is stupid simple just the way the professor likes it! Since I started using it my income and down lines have really grown and now alot of people have gotten to know Professor Cue Ball Clicks.
Now for the really good stuff, you can join Adkreator for free! That's right you'll be able to make and edit one custom page. I know that once you've made your first page and see the results Adkreator will help you get you'll want to take advantage of the upgrades there so you'll be able to make even more pages. Special note of interest, Upgraded members can share pages via a simple little code!
So I've explained how to get Adkreator let me now tell you how to use it in your budget. Use your Affiliate Link and share it with friends and people your involved with and score commissions. Free members will earn 20% when ever a referral takes and upgrade at Adkreator and Upgraded Members score 35%. Think about that! You can wind up with an ADKREATOR FULLY UPGRADED ACCOUNT and have it paid for and have money for your budget for other tools and upgrades. Talk about a win win situation!
Go ahead try this must have tool out you won't be sorry it's the best thing for marketing on traffic exchanges.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
So Where's The Budget?
Here's is an intresting question: So where's the money come from from your budget?
I know finding money for your budget is, well lets say it's a challenge.
Let me relay my Click Track Profit story. I found out about it and was in early.
I started doing the math and realized that I wanted to get the Life Time membership. My Up Line was doign amazingly well with it, I took a big chance.
So I did something out of character for me. I gambled my electric bill money on the payment. Now I started to sweat but I made it back and then some. Funny thing is that the same people who upgraded at CTP also up graded in the affiliate programs and bang, I made more money.
I took my original investment and paid my electric bill and reinvested the rest into upgrading at more sites. Again the same thing happened. Now I add in the money I make from other programs like PTC, Survey's and bang I have my current budget level. Anyone can do this and you don't have to gamble your electric bill money. Simply think what's important to you that 3 or 4 time a month trip to McDonalds could float you 30 to 40 dollars a month to invest in yourself and your business.
So there's my take on finding money for a budget I'd be intrested in hearing from you folks reading this as to how you do it.
Professor Cue Ball Clicks
I know finding money for your budget is, well lets say it's a challenge.
Let me relay my Click Track Profit story. I found out about it and was in early.
I started doing the math and realized that I wanted to get the Life Time membership. My Up Line was doign amazingly well with it, I took a big chance.
So I did something out of character for me. I gambled my electric bill money on the payment. Now I started to sweat but I made it back and then some. Funny thing is that the same people who upgraded at CTP also up graded in the affiliate programs and bang, I made more money.
I took my original investment and paid my electric bill and reinvested the rest into upgrading at more sites. Again the same thing happened. Now I add in the money I make from other programs like PTC, Survey's and bang I have my current budget level. Anyone can do this and you don't have to gamble your electric bill money. Simply think what's important to you that 3 or 4 time a month trip to McDonalds could float you 30 to 40 dollars a month to invest in yourself and your business.
So there's my take on finding money for a budget I'd be intrested in hearing from you folks reading this as to how you do it.
Professor Cue Ball Clicks
Monday, May 16, 2011
I choose this for my first post because the proliferation of work at home opportunities that feature JOIN FREE, MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON AUTO PILOT! First you must realize that an On Line Business is just what it says it is.
It's a business and you will only get out of it what you put in. There are no businesses that make it for very long without some kind of investment. Every successful business has a budget. It's won't survive without one. Let me ask you this: If everyone in your business is free how do you make money? That's right you don't!
Think about this, you join a program for free and they allow you to promote it as an affiliate. They either don't pay or give you a ridiculously low % of the sale of any service they offer. So you go out and promote it and tell people "Hey you can join for free" so they do. They are free and you are free and they promote it the same way and you wind up with a bunch of people who are promoting an affiliate offer and NO ONE IS MAKING ANY MONEY!
So in order to succeed and make money there has to be a buyer. I my self went the free route for 3 years. I made a buck but that's about it. Then I read something written by Jon Olsen The TE GUY and my eyes opened. This book talked about starting a budget to get the right tools and to start making money. That's right if you want to make money you are going to have to spend some. You don't have to spend Hundreds or even Thousands of dollars to start, but in order to succeed you must start somewhere. I started witha budget of onlt $25.00 and as I made more money I put it back into my business and now my budget is about $230.00 per month which also includes my Internet Service.
So there you have it. You have to spend money to make money or your wasting your time in my opinion.
If you would like to read the Book Jon Wrote simply click this banner:

It's a business and you will only get out of it what you put in. There are no businesses that make it for very long without some kind of investment. Every successful business has a budget. It's won't survive without one. Let me ask you this: If everyone in your business is free how do you make money? That's right you don't!
Think about this, you join a program for free and they allow you to promote it as an affiliate. They either don't pay or give you a ridiculously low % of the sale of any service they offer. So you go out and promote it and tell people "Hey you can join for free" so they do. They are free and you are free and they promote it the same way and you wind up with a bunch of people who are promoting an affiliate offer and NO ONE IS MAKING ANY MONEY!
So in order to succeed and make money there has to be a buyer. I my self went the free route for 3 years. I made a buck but that's about it. Then I read something written by Jon Olsen The TE GUY and my eyes opened. This book talked about starting a budget to get the right tools and to start making money. That's right if you want to make money you are going to have to spend some. You don't have to spend Hundreds or even Thousands of dollars to start, but in order to succeed you must start somewhere. I started witha budget of onlt $25.00 and as I made more money I put it back into my business and now my budget is about $230.00 per month which also includes my Internet Service.
So there you have it. You have to spend money to make money or your wasting your time in my opinion.
If you would like to read the Book Jon Wrote simply click this banner:
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Hello and Welcome to Professor Cue Ball Clicks Says.
Here's what the Professor has to say:
I wanted to create a forum where we can communicate. I'll be better able to help you, and share with you the Tools and Sites I use to promote with and to show you how I have embraced Social Marketing.
We are the New Breed Of Marketer, the money is no longer in the list. The Money is in the relationship we have with the people on the list....
I hope you find the answers and information you are looking for here and remember to leave your comments. Together we will make the Internet a more friendly place.
I wanted to create a forum where we can communicate. I'll be better able to help you, and share with you the Tools and Sites I use to promote with and to show you how I have embraced Social Marketing.
We are the New Breed Of Marketer, the money is no longer in the list. The Money is in the relationship we have with the people on the list....
I hope you find the answers and information you are looking for here and remember to leave your comments. Together we will make the Internet a more friendly place.
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