It's a business and you will only get out of it what you put in. There are no businesses that make it for very long without some kind of investment. Every successful business has a budget. It's won't survive without one. Let me ask you this: If everyone in your business is free how do you make money? That's right you don't!
Think about this, you join a program for free and they allow you to promote it as an affiliate. They either don't pay or give you a ridiculously low % of the sale of any service they offer. So you go out and promote it and tell people "Hey you can join for free" so they do. They are free and you are free and they promote it the same way and you wind up with a bunch of people who are promoting an affiliate offer and NO ONE IS MAKING ANY MONEY!
So in order to succeed and make money there has to be a buyer. I my self went the free route for 3 years. I made a buck but that's about it. Then I read something written by Jon Olsen The TE GUY and my eyes opened. This book talked about starting a budget to get the right tools and to start making money. That's right if you want to make money you are going to have to spend some. You don't have to spend Hundreds or even Thousands of dollars to start, but in order to succeed you must start somewhere. I started witha budget of onlt $25.00 and as I made more money I put it back into my business and now my budget is about $230.00 per month which also includes my Internet Service.
So there you have it. You have to spend money to make money or your wasting your time in my opinion.
If you would like to read the Book Jon Wrote simply click this banner:
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