As I travel the World Wide Web I am amazed at the amount of pure garbage there is. Opportunity after Opportunity filled with pages of Fast Cars, Huge Money, Yachts, Planes, all high gloss photo's of the beautiful perfect people hanging on the beach or wherever, making ton's of money on auto pilot.
We all see this and forget the simple rule if it seems to good to be true guess what it's false.
I man I met on line from the University Of Internet Science Mr Michelangelo Lopez, wrote a book about this concept of leading the Internet Newbie Lambs to slaughter.
It's called " The Art Of Being Stupid On The Internet.
Simply put buying into some program owners Latest Greatest, Unbelievable promise in the Sharp and Sweet Glittery Graphics of a site designed to take your money.
Or a mentor's promise if you read the e-book it'll change your entire life.. BTW when you finish the book and complain it isn't working well they'll just talk you into buying another. Trust me they are not sharing the way they are really achieving their success with you.
This brings me to the point of the title of this post. Social Marketing meets List Building in a Easily Affordable, but NOT FREE, little program called JUST 2 BUCKS A MONTH...
A simple concept: A membership site that builds you a Down Line List of people who will be eager to work with you, to purchase your products and join your programs. How does this happen? You're asking right now. I'll tell you every person who joins this program has access to not only his down line but is entire up line. The incentive for sponsors to help are just enormous. Imagine a program that everyone comes together to help each other to grow an income to whatever level your efforts put in.
(SOCIAL MARKETING) Everyone answering questions for anyone to help us all to succeed!
There are no tire Kickers allowed here, so only action takers need to check it out.

Well done Professor. So many list builders out there and costing you 10.00 a month or more, this site is only $2 a month, very reasonable.
ReplyDeleteIn just 60 days I have 265 in my downline. I haven't found any list builders that got me so many referrals. We have great leaders, the support is awesome.
Thanks for all the leaders that have given me support.
Veronica Smith